Who is atheist? is athiest deluded ?

Who is atheist? is athiest deluded?

What science say about athiest?

Athiest position was an unscientific illogical irrational position. Science totally rejects views of atheist because there was no foundation basis for their beliefs.

There was three categories of athiest

1) Social Sheeps
2) Science has the all answers
3) Emotional Reasons

1) Social Sheeps :- 

Why i say social sheeps such a derogatory term because they worthy of it, There was a group of sheeps lead by another sheep, all the sheeps running behind him blindly whenever the sheep turns all sheeps blindly follow him. That was a type of athiest who  acting like cleaver and intellectual but actually they are confused, mindless, illogical, irrational people who follow blindly without verification, without reason, without thinking to a people who already like them they trust him and follow him but in reality they both are delusional. They discuss about science but they didn't even know abc of science. Most of the atheist almost over 60% atheist belonging to the social sheeps group.

2) Science has all the answers :-

Most of the athiest didn't even know how science works , "Science has all the answers"  this sentence itself was unscientific because there was no evidence to say that "Science has all the answers". Science didn't have answers about morality, ethics, emotions, conscious, reason of life.
Most of athiest think all the theoritcal science was a fact and real but this is totally false because theoritcal science was always change when new observation and expirment done old theory automatic gets replaced, theoritcal sciences most significant example was evolution. Evolution just was a theory it was never fact or real it was just a data to explain how things works but this is not fact, this is just a theory because science or any scientist never claimed that that's the only way humens developed through evolution. But some atheist think that evolution was fact but in reality it was just a theory.

3) Emotional Reasons :-

Most of athiest problems was nothing to do with science their main problems issues with emotional problems which happens in their life something bad or issues with problem of evil, suffering, problem of hell or problem of multiple religions, multiple Gods.

Why atheist never accept the truth and never accept islam was true religion?

Atheist has a big ego problems there was types of ego athiest possessed with.

Definition of Ego :-

First we need to understand what ego means here a ego means person who thinks he right and correct but later on he discover that he was wrong but he never accept that he was ever wrong he rejects evidence that is the definition of ego used in this topic.

EGO 1) i am only right
EGO 2) Haters
EGO 3) i am intelligent

EGO 1) i am only right : This is the types of athiest, who already made their mind that they are right and they will never ever will be wrong, that types of athiest are irreparable it doesn't matter how many time work you wasted on this types of athiest they will never accept the truth and even evidence. That types of athiest are dumb and mindless athiest they didn't even have qualification to discuss about science, almost large number of atheist you will find in Social sheeps category will be this types of athiest.

EGO 2) Haters :- What hating means here, a hate towards a particular religion, a baby who born in a family there was already has a hate towards a particular religion. then that baby was lives in biased environment of family members, relatives, society that baby grows learning all this biased information and lies towards a particular religion and then he became mentally mature and he discovers that all he learns whole life in past was just a lie he thinks how that will be lie he never accept the truth and evidence because of brainwashed by biased information that he learned in whole life. that types of atheist includes Christian and Hindus because root cause is same.

EGO 3) i am intelligent :-  in this types of athiest mostly includes hypocrite, double standard atheist, this types of athiest was most intellectual they already knows what right and wrong they disguise as they know nothing but actually they knows all things the only thing stops them accept the truth was thier intellectual. When you discuss that types of peoples they first told you that they are atheist but when you actually starts discussion and when they are unable to defend their position then they become agnostic basically this peoples are a two face snek, they turns position whenever and wherever suitable to them. When theist uses a evidence against them they will say oh it was wrong totally biased, then later on this same evidence they rejected earlier this evidence supports their views then they will accept this it is a example of double standard.


The Real definition of athiest :-

Athiest was a person who completely deluded and confused by either lack knowledge of science or emotional problems and mostly ego problem including biased environment.

Solution :-

Solution door was locked for athiest because they possessed with Ego, Hypocrisy, double standard. For unlocking solution door athiest need to left their Ego, Hypocrisy, Double standard.

Solution was just in mind just open mind freely see all the evidence unbiased, research all the information, verify with authentic books, study comparative religion, analys the discovered information, read translation of Quran in your language, read other articles in our website about Scientifically proved God existence, Accusations on islam, Problems of atheist.

Thanks for reading and think about your life and make right decision.